QFTCI23 Game 3, Rounds 2-3: beers and bears
(too old to reply)
Mark Brader
2023-10-26 05:22:16 UTC
These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2023-10-02,
and should be interpreted accordingly.

On each question you may give up to two answers, but if you give
both a right answer and a wrong answer, there is a small penalty.
Please post all your answers in a single followup to the newsgroup,
based only on your own knowledge. (In your answer posting, quote
the questions and place your answer below each one.) I will reveal
the correct answers in about 3 days.

All questions were written by members of the Usual Suspects and
are used here by permission, but have been reformatted and may have
been retyped and/or edited by me. The posting and tabulation of
current-events questions is independent of the concurrent posting
of other rounds. For further information please see my 2023-05-24
companion posting on "Questions from the Canadian Inquisition

I did not write either of these rounds.

* Game 3, Round 2 - Miscellaneous - Types of Beer

Let this round of beers be on us! Just the questions and answers,
that is -- the tipples come from your own pockets.

1. What common type of beer is produced at low temperature and in
a variety of colors from pale to dark? Its name comes from
the German word for "storage".

2. What type of pale <answer 1> takes its name from the Germanized
form of the Czech city where it originated in the mid-1800s?
If you happen to be quaffing a Steam Whistle as we speak,
the answer is right there at the end of your arm.

3. This beer may be known as "white beer" in parts of Europe such
as Germany and the Netherlands. Sometimes spices are added,
and some people think it tastes like bananas or bubble gum.
You may find the Belgian Hoegaarden on tap at your local.
Answer in English, please, not German.

4. This beer style's tart taste was originally the result of reusing
a starter containing wild yeast and bacteria. Belgian lambics
are an example; the LCBO website lists Bellwoods Jelly King as
a local best-seller.

5. This one is a dark beer with a strong roasted flavor and mid
to high alcohol levels. Its name comes from being a stronger
form of porter.

6. This relatively highly hopped variety with generally, though
not always, a high alcohol content, got its name from its
ability to stay drinkable after long sea voyages.

7. This <answer 6> variant was invented about 20 years ago. It is
characterized by less bitterness and a somewhat opaque
appearance, due to brewing techniques such as later addition
of the hops and skipping the filtering step.

8. This strong German beer has a dark color with a sweet and
nutty taste. Its name refers to a goat, but that seems to be
a corruption of the name of the town where it was originally
brewed. One of the top sellers in Ontario is actually made
in Portugal; its name starts with "Super", if that helps.
Creemore Springs also has a version. If you want to go to the
source, try Erdinger Pikantus, which contains 7.3% alcohol.

9. This mainly-British term refers to a low-alcohol, malty,
cask-conditioned pale ale. If you stumble onto the Coronation
Street set, you're more or less obligated to order one at the
Rovers Return. Closer to home, when you're at this season's
Final, please try the variety that the Granite Brewery calls

10. This German <answer 1>'s name simply comes from the word for
"dark" (which contrasts with "hell" or "helles" meaning
"bright"). It has been around in Bavaria since before the
regulations governing beer production were codified in 1516.
Typically it doesn't have a high alcohol content nor is it
particularly bitter.

* Game 3, Round 3 - Science - Bears

The last round was about beers, so for the science round we
have bears.

If you go down to the woods today, you're in for a big surprise if
you think bear spray is used like bug spray: as wildlife officials
needed to remind people last year in Oklahoma, that is definitely
not the case. Anyway, knowledge of our bruin neighbors being
clearly an advantage, this round will test your ursine lore.

1. What is the most populous bear species worldwide? In North
America alone, there are more of these bears than the worldwide
population of all other bears.

2. Which bear is known as "Ursus maritimus" to its classically-
and taxonomically-educated acquaintances?

3. What is the only species of bear that is practically an exclusive

4. You've just heard of three bear species; how many species are
there in all, according to the generally-accepted taxonomy?

Please decode the rot13 for the remaining questions only after
you have finished with #1-4.

5. Fbzr bs gubfr 8 fcrpvrf unir zhygvcyr fhofcrpvrf. Anzr gur
oynpx orne fhofcrpvrf, juvpu unf n juvgr-pbyberq inevnag, gung
vf gur cebivapvny znzzny bs Oevgvfu Pbyhzovn naq vf fvtavsvpnag
va Vaqvtrabhf genqvgvbaf.

6. Gur oebja orne, be Hefhf nepgbf, unf n fhofcrpvrf pnyyrq gur
Nynfxna oebja orne -- Hefhf nepgbf zvqqraqbessv. Ohg ubj vf
guvf fhofcrpvrf zber pbzzbayl xabja?

7. Gur fcrpgnpyrq orne, nyfb xabja nf gur fubeg-snprq orne naq
zbhagnva orne, be va vgf angvir unovgng nf hxhznev, vf gur bayl
yvivat orne vaqvtrabhf gb *juvpu pbagvarag*?

8. Nabgure oebja orne fhofcrpvrf unf gur gnkbabzvp anzr "Hefhf
nepgbf ubeevovyvf", tvivat fbzr vaqvpngvba bs vgf creprvirq
qvfcbfvgvba. Jung vf vgf pbzzba anzr?

9. Jung orne *rkgenpg* vf hfrq va fbzr Nfvna genqvgvbany zrqvpvar,
hasbeghangryl yrnqvat gb gur zvfgerngzrag bs gubhfnaqf bs ornef
va fb-pnyyrq "orne snezf"?

10. Nabgure oynpx orne fhofcrpvrf vf anzrq nsgre n pregnva sbbq,
va ersrerapr gb gur oebja be erq-oebja pbybe bs vgf she. Vg vf
glcvpnyyl sbhaq va gur jrfgrea HF, naq va cnegf bs jrfgrea
Pnanqn naq Bagnevb. Anzr vg.
Mark Brader, Toronto | "Ah. I am now confused at a much more
***@vex.net | advanced level, thank you." --Mike Lyle

My text in this article is in the public domain.
Erland Sommarskog
2023-10-26 18:24:24 UTC
Post by Mark Brader
* Game 3, Round 2 - Miscellaneous - Types of Beer
1. What common type of beer is produced at low temperature and in
a variety of colors from pale to dark? Its name comes from
the German word for "storage".
Post by Mark Brader
2. What type of pale <answer 1> takes its name from the Germanized
form of the Czech city where it originated in the mid-1800s?
If you happen to be quaffing a Steam Whistle as we speak,
the answer is right there at the end of your arm.
Post by Mark Brader
* Game 3, Round 3 - Science - Bears
1. What is the most populous bear species worldwide? In North
America alone, there are more of these bears than the worldwide
population of all other bears.
Brown bear
Post by Mark Brader
4. You've just heard of three bear species; how many species are
there in all, according to the generally-accepted taxonomy?
Post by Mark Brader
Please decode the rot13 for the remaining questions only after
you have finished with #1-4.
5. Fbzr bs gubfr 8 fcrpvrf unir zhygvcyr fhofcrpvrf. Anzr gur
oynpx orne fhofcrpvrf, juvpu unf n juvgr-pbyberq inevnag, gung
vf gur cebivapvny znzzny bs Oevgvfu Pbyhzovn naq vf fvtavsvpnag
va Vaqvtrabhf genqvgvbaf.
Post by Mark Brader
7. Gur fcrpgnpyrq orne, nyfb xabja nf gur fubeg-snprq orne naq
zbhagnva orne, be va vgf angvir unovgng nf hxhznev, vf gur bayl
yvivat orne vaqvtrabhf gb *juvpu pbagvarag*?
Dan Tilque
2023-10-27 01:13:54 UTC
Post by Mark Brader
I did not write either of these rounds.
* Game 3, Round 2 - Miscellaneous - Types of Beer
Let this round of beers be on us! Just the questions and answers,
that is -- the tipples come from your own pockets.
1. What common type of beer is produced at low temperature and in
a variety of colors from pale to dark? Its name comes from
the German word for "storage".
Post by Mark Brader
2. What type of pale <answer 1> takes its name from the Germanized
form of the Czech city where it originated in the mid-1800s?
If you happen to be quaffing a Steam Whistle as we speak,
the answer is right there at the end of your arm.
Post by Mark Brader
3. This beer may be known as "white beer" in parts of Europe such
as Germany and the Netherlands. Sometimes spices are added,
and some people think it tastes like bananas or bubble gum.
You may find the Belgian Hoegaarden on tap at your local.
Answer in English, please, not German.
Post by Mark Brader
4. This beer style's tart taste was originally the result of reusing
a starter containing wild yeast and bacteria. Belgian lambics
are an example; the LCBO website lists Bellwoods Jelly King as
a local best-seller.
5. This one is a dark beer with a strong roasted flavor and mid
to high alcohol levels. Its name comes from being a stronger
form of porter.
6. This relatively highly hopped variety with generally, though
not always, a high alcohol content, got its name from its
ability to stay drinkable after long sea voyages.
India pale ale
Post by Mark Brader
7. This <answer 6> variant was invented about 20 years ago. It is
characterized by less bitterness and a somewhat opaque
appearance, due to brewing techniques such as later addition
of the hops and skipping the filtering step.
8. This strong German beer has a dark color with a sweet and
nutty taste. Its name refers to a goat, but that seems to be
a corruption of the name of the town where it was originally
brewed. One of the top sellers in Ontario is actually made
in Portugal; its name starts with "Super", if that helps.
Creemore Springs also has a version. If you want to go to the
source, try Erdinger Pikantus, which contains 7.3% alcohol.
9. This mainly-British term refers to a low-alcohol, malty,
cask-conditioned pale ale. If you stumble onto the Coronation
Street set, you're more or less obligated to order one at the
Rovers Return. Closer to home, when you're at this season's
Final, please try the variety that the Granite Brewery calls
10. This German <answer 1>'s name simply comes from the word for
"dark" (which contrasts with "hell" or "helles" meaning
"bright"). It has been around in Bavaria since before the
regulations governing beer production were codified in 1516.
Typically it doesn't have a high alcohol content nor is it
particularly bitter.
* Game 3, Round 3 - Science - Bears
The last round was about beers, so for the science round we
have bears.
If you go down to the woods today, you're in for a big surprise if
you think bear spray is used like bug spray: as wildlife officials
needed to remind people last year in Oklahoma, that is definitely
not the case. Anyway, knowledge of our bruin neighbors being
clearly an advantage, this round will test your ursine lore.
1. What is the most populous bear species worldwide? In North
America alone, there are more of these bears than the worldwide
population of all other bears.
black bear
Post by Mark Brader
2. Which bear is known as "Ursus maritimus" to its classically-
and taxonomically-educated acquaintances?
polar bear
Post by Mark Brader
3. What is the only species of bear that is practically an exclusive
Post by Mark Brader
4. You've just heard of three bear species; how many species are
there in all, according to the generally-accepted taxonomy?
Please decode the rot13 for the remaining questions only after
you have finished with #1-4.
5. Fbzr bs gubfr 8 fcrpvrf unir zhygvcyr fhofcrpvrf. Anzr gur
oynpx orne fhofcrpvrf, juvpu unf n juvgr-pbyberq inevnag, gung
vf gur cebivapvny znzzny bs Oevgvfu Pbyhzovn naq vf fvtavsvpnag
va Vaqvtrabhf genqvgvbaf.
6. Gur oebja orne, be Hefhf nepgbf, unf n fhofcrpvrf pnyyrq gur
Nynfxna oebja orne -- Hefhf nepgbf zvqqraqbessv. Ohg ubj vf
guvf fhofcrpvrf zber pbzzbayl xabja?
Post by Mark Brader
7. Gur fcrpgnpyrq orne, nyfb xabja nf gur fubeg-snprq orne naq
zbhagnva orne, be va vgf angvir unovgng nf hxhznev, vf gur bayl
yvivat orne vaqvtrabhf gb *juvpu pbagvarag*?
Post by Mark Brader
8. Nabgure oebja orne fhofcrpvrf unf gur gnkbabzvp anzr "Hefhf
nepgbf ubeevovyvf", tvivat fbzr vaqvpngvba bs vgf creprvirq
qvfcbfvgvba. Jung vf vgf pbzzba anzr?
polar bear
Post by Mark Brader
9. Jung orne *rkgenpg* vf hfrq va fbzr Nfvna genqvgvbany zrqvpvar,
hasbeghangryl yrnqvat gb gur zvfgerngzrag bs gubhfnaqf bs ornef
va fb-pnyyrq "orne snezf"?
10. Nabgure oynpx orne fhofcrpvrf vf anzrq nsgre n pregnva sbbq,
va ersrerapr gb gur oebja be erq-oebja pbybe bs vgf she. Vg vf
glcvpnyyl sbhaq va gur jrfgrea HF, naq va cnegf bs jrfgrea
Pnanqn naq Bagnevb. Anzr vg.
Dan Tilque
Joshua Kreitzer
2023-10-27 04:17:08 UTC
Post by Mark Brader
* Game 3, Round 2 - Miscellaneous - Types of Beer
1. What common type of beer is produced at low temperature and in
a variety of colors from pale to dark? Its name comes from
the German word for "storage".
Post by Mark Brader
2. What type of pale <answer 1> takes its name from the Germanized
form of the Czech city where it originated in the mid-1800s?
If you happen to be quaffing a Steam Whistle as we speak,
the answer is right there at the end of your arm.
Post by Mark Brader
* Game 3, Round 3 - Science - Bears
1. What is the most populous bear species worldwide? In North
America alone, there are more of these bears than the worldwide
population of all other bears.
brown bear; grizzly bear
Post by Mark Brader
2. Which bear is known as "Ursus maritimus" to its classically-
and taxonomically-educated acquaintances?
polar bear
Post by Mark Brader
3. What is the only species of bear that is practically an exclusive
giant panda
Post by Mark Brader
4. You've just heard of three bear species; how many species are
there in all, according to the generally-accepted taxonomy?
9; 8
Post by Mark Brader
Please decode the rot13 for the remaining questions only after
you have finished with #1-4.
6. Gur oebja orne, be Hefhf nepgbf, unf n fhofcrpvrf pnyyrq gur
Nynfxna oebja orne -- Hefhf nepgbf zvqqraqbessv. Ohg ubj vf
guvf fhofcrpvrf zber pbzzbayl xabja?
grizzly bear; black bear
Post by Mark Brader
7. Gur fcrpgnpyrq orne, nyfb xabja nf gur fubeg-snprq orne naq
zbhagnva orne, be va vgf angvir unovgng nf hxhznev, vf gur bayl
yvivat orne vaqvtrabhf gb *juvpu pbagvarag*?
South America; Africa
Post by Mark Brader
8. Nabgure oebja orne fhofcrpvrf unf gur gnkbabzvp anzr "Hefhf
nepgbf ubeevovyvf", tvivat fbzr vaqvpngvba bs vgf creprvirq
qvfcbfvgvba. Jung vf vgf pbzzba anzr?
grizzly bear
Post by Mark Brader
10. Nabgure oynpx orne fhofcrpvrf vf anzrq nsgre n pregnva sbbq,
va ersrerapr gb gur oebja be erq-oebja pbybe bs vgf she. Vg vf
glcvpnyyl sbhaq va gur jrfgrea HF, naq va cnegf bs jrfgrea
Pnanqn naq Bagnevb. Anzr vg.
cinnamon bear

Joshua Kreitzer
Dan Blum
2023-10-27 04:32:01 UTC
Post by Mark Brader
* Game 3, Round 2 - Miscellaneous - Types of Beer
1. What common type of beer is produced at low temperature and in
a variety of colors from pale to dark? Its name comes from
the German word for "storage".
Post by Mark Brader
2. What type of pale <answer 1> takes its name from the Germanized
form of the Czech city where it originated in the mid-1800s?
If you happen to be quaffing a Steam Whistle as we speak,
the answer is right there at the end of your arm.
Post by Mark Brader
5. This one is a dark beer with a strong roasted flavor and mid
to high alcohol levels. Its name comes from being a stronger
form of porter.
Post by Mark Brader
6. This relatively highly hopped variety with generally, though
not always, a high alcohol content, got its name from its
ability to stay drinkable after long sea voyages.
Post by Mark Brader
7. This <answer 6> variant was invented about 20 years ago. It is
characterized by less bitterness and a somewhat opaque
appearance, due to brewing techniques such as later addition
of the hops and skipping the filtering step.
Post by Mark Brader
* Game 3, Round 3 - Science - Bears
1. What is the most populous bear species worldwide? In North
America alone, there are more of these bears than the worldwide
population of all other bears.
brown bear
Post by Mark Brader
2. Which bear is known as "Ursus maritimus" to its classically-
and taxonomically-educated acquaintances?
Kodiak bear; grizzly bear
Post by Mark Brader
3. What is the only species of bear that is practically an exclusive
Post by Mark Brader
4. You've just heard of three bear species; how many species are
there in all, according to the generally-accepted taxonomy?
7; 8
Post by Mark Brader
5. Fbzr bs gubfr 8 fcrpvrf unir zhygvcyr fhofcrpvrf. Anzr gur
oynpx orne fhofcrpvrf, juvpu unf n juvgr-pbyberq inevnag, gung
vf gur cebivapvny znzzny bs Oevgvfu Pbyhzovn naq vf fvtavsvpnag
va Vaqvtrabhf genqvgvbaf.
ghost bear
Post by Mark Brader
6. Gur oebja orne, be Hefhf nepgbf, unf n fhofcrpvrf pnyyrq gur
Nynfxna oebja orne -- Hefhf nepgbf zvqqraqbessv. Ohg ubj vf
guvf fhofcrpvrf zber pbzzbayl xabja?
Kodiak bear
Post by Mark Brader
7. Gur fcrpgnpyrq orne, nyfb xabja nf gur fubeg-snprq orne naq
zbhagnva orne, be va vgf angvir unovgng nf hxhznev, vf gur bayl
yvivat orne vaqvtrabhf gb *juvpu pbagvarag*?
South America
Post by Mark Brader
8. Nabgure oebja orne fhofcrpvrf unf gur gnkbabzvp anzr "Hefhf
nepgbf ubeevovyvf", tvivat fbzr vaqvpngvba bs vgf creprvirq
qvfcbfvgvba. Jung vf vgf pbzzba anzr?
grizzly bear
Post by Mark Brader
10. Nabgure oynpx orne fhofcrpvrf vf anzrq nsgre n pregnva sbbq,
va ersrerapr gb gur oebja be erq-oebja pbybe bs vgf she. Vg vf
glcvpnyyl sbhaq va gur jrfgrea HF, naq va cnegf bs jrfgrea
Pnanqn naq Bagnevb. Anzr vg.
cinnamon bear
Dan Blum ***@panix.com
"I wouldn't have believed it myself if I hadn't just made it up."
Mark Brader
2023-10-29 04:54:11 UTC
Post by Mark Brader
These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2023-10-02,
and should be interpreted accordingly... For further information
please see my 2023-05-24 companion posting on "Questions from the
Canadian Inquisition (QFTCI*)".
I did not write either of these rounds.
* Game 3, Round 2 - Miscellaneous - Types of Beer
Let this round of beers be on us! Just the questions and answers,
that is -- the tipples come from your own pockets.
1. What common type of beer is produced at low temperature and in
a variety of colors from pale to dark? Its name comes from
the German word for "storage".
Lager. 4 for everyone -- Erland, Daan Tilque, Joshua, and Dan Blum.
Post by Mark Brader
2. What type of pale <answer 1> takes its name from the Germanized
form of the Czech city where it originated in the mid-1800s?
If you happen to be quaffing a Steam Whistle as we speak,
the answer is right there at the end of your arm.
Pilsener. (The city is Plzen, with a hacek on the last letter.)
4 for everyone.
Post by Mark Brader
3. This beer may be known as "white beer" in parts of Europe such
as Germany and the Netherlands. Sometimes spices are added,
and some people think it tastes like bananas or bubble gum.
You may find the Belgian Hoegaarden on tap at your local.
Answer in English, please, not German.
Wheat beer.
Post by Mark Brader
4. This beer style's tart taste was originally the result of reusing
a starter containing wild yeast and bacteria. Belgian lambics
are an example; the LCBO website lists Bellwoods Jelly King as
a local best-seller.
Sour beer.
Post by Mark Brader
5. This one is a dark beer with a strong roasted flavor and mid
to high alcohol levels. Its name comes from being a stronger
form of porter.
Stout. 4 for Dan Blum.
Post by Mark Brader
6. This relatively highly hopped variety with generally, though
not always, a high alcohol content, got its name from its
ability to stay drinkable after long sea voyages.
India Pale Ale (IPA). 4 for Dan Tilque and Dan Blum.
Post by Mark Brader
7. This <answer 6> variant was invented about 20 years ago. It is
characterized by less bitterness and a somewhat opaque
appearance, due to brewing techniques such as later addition
of the hops and skipping the filtering step.
Hazy, juicy, or New England IPA (NEIPA).
Post by Mark Brader
8. This strong German beer has a dark color with a sweet and
nutty taste. Its name refers to a goat, but that seems to be
a corruption of the name of the town where it was originally
brewed. One of the top sellers in Ontario is actually made
in Portugal; its name starts with "Super", if that helps.
Creemore Springs also has a version. If you want to go to the
source, try Erdinger Pikantus, which contains 7.3% alcohol.
Bock. (The town is Einbeck.)
Post by Mark Brader
9. This mainly-British term refers to a low-alcohol, malty,
cask-conditioned pale ale. If you stumble onto the Coronation
Street set, you're more or less obligated to order one at the
Rovers Return. Closer to home, when you're at this season's
Final, please try the variety that the Granite Brewery calls
Post by Mark Brader
10. This German <answer 1>'s name simply comes from the word for
"dark" (which contrasts with "hell" or "helles" meaning
"bright"). It has been around in Bavaria since before the
regulations governing beer production were codified in 1516.
Typically it doesn't have a high alcohol content nor is it
particularly bitter.
Post by Mark Brader
* Game 3, Round 3 - Science - Bears
The last round was about beers, so for the science round we
have bears.
If you go down to the woods today, you're in for a big surprise if
you think bear spray is used like bug spray: as wildlife officials
needed to remind people last year in Oklahoma, that is definitely
not the case. Anyway, knowledge of our bruin neighbors being
clearly an advantage, this round will test your ursine lore.
1. What is the most populous bear species worldwide? In North
America alone, there are more of these bears than the worldwide
population of all other bears.
Black bear. 4 for Dan Tilque.
Post by Mark Brader
2. Which bear is known as "Ursus maritimus" to its classically-
and taxonomically-educated acquaintances?
Polar bear. 4 for Dan Tilque and Joshua.
Post by Mark Brader
3. What is the only species of bear that is practically an exclusive
Panda (aka giant panda or panda bear). 4 for Dan Tilque, Joshua,
and Dan Blum.
Post by Mark Brader
4. You've just heard of three bear species; how many species are
there in all, according to the generally-accepted taxonomy?
8. 2 for Joshua and Dan Blum.
Post by Mark Brader
Please decode the rot13 for the remaining questions only after
you have finished with #1-4.
5. Some of those 8 species have multiple subspecies. Name the
black bear subspecies, which has a white-colored variant, that
is the provincial mammal of British Columbia and is significant
in Indigenous traditions.
Spirit, ghost, or Kermode bear. 4 for Dan Blum.
Post by Mark Brader
6. The brown bear, or Ursus arctos, has a subspecies called the
Alaskan brown bear -- Ursus arctos middendorffi. But how is
this subspecies more commonly known?
Kodiak bear. 4 for Dan Tilque and Dan Blum.

Fun fact: "ursus" is Latin for "bear", but "arctos" is Greek for
Post by Mark Brader
7. The spectacled bear, also known as the short-faced bear and
mountain bear, or in its native habitat as ukumari, is the only
living bear indigenous to *which continent*?
South America. 4 for Dan Blum. 3 for Joshua.
Post by Mark Brader
8. Another brown bear subspecies has the taxonomic name "Ursus
arctos horribilis", giving some indication of its perceived
disposition. What is its common name?
Grizzly bear. 4 for Joshua and Dan Blum.
Post by Mark Brader
9. What bear *extract* is used in some Asian traditional medicine,
unfortunately leading to the mistreatment of thousands of bears
in so-called "bear farms"?
Bile (gall bladder extract).
Post by Mark Brader
10. Another black bear subspecies is named after a certain food,
in reference to the brown or red-brown color of its fur. It is
typically found in the western US, and in parts of western
Canada and Ontario. Name it.
Cinnamon bear. 4 for Joshua and Dan Blum.

Scores, if there are no errors:

TOPICS-> Mis Sci
Dan Blum 16 26 42
Joshua Kreitzer 8 21 29
Dan Tilque 12 16 28
Erland Sommarskog 8 0 8
Mark Brader | "I'm surprised there aren't laws about this in the USA..."
***@vex.net | "Of course there are laws about this in the USA.
Toronto | Without even reading further to find out what 'this' is."
| --Rob Bannister and Evan Kirshenbaum

My text in this article is in the public domain.