QFTCI23 Game 7, Rounds 7-8: city names, president names
(too old to reply)
Mark Brader
2023-12-24 09:00:42 UTC
These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2023-11-06,
and should be interpreted accordingly.

On each question you may give up to two answers, but if you give
both a right answer and a wrong answer, there is a small penalty.
Please post all your answers in a single followup to the newsgroup,
based only on your own knowledge. (In your answer posting, quote
the questions and place your answer below each one.) I will reveal
the correct answers in about 5 days.

All questions were written by members of the Usual Suspects and
are used here by permission, but have been reformatted and may have
been retyped and/or edited by me. The posting and tabulation of
current-events questions is independent of the concurrent posting
of other rounds. For further information please see my 2023-05-24
companion posting on "Questions from the Canadian Inquisition

I wrote both of these rounds.

* Game 7, Round 7 - Geography - World City Names

We give the usual name of a city in English; you give its actual
name in the local language. In the original game a close-enough
pronunciation would have been sufficient, but here you must give
the exact spelling of the answer using our alphabet (you may omit
accent marks, but if you give them they must be correct).

In the original game, this example was given: "we say 'PA-riss,
France'; you say 'Pa-REE' or P-A-R-I-S -- only that's not a real
example, because it uses the same spelling."

1. Vienna, Austria.
2. Naples, Italy.
3. The Hague, Netherlands.
4. Munich, Germany.
5. Moscow ["MOSS-cow" or "MOSS-koe"], Russia.
6. Lisbon, Portugal.
7. Prague, Czechia.
8. Cologne, Germany.

9. Brussels, Belgium. Give *either* the French or the Dutch name --
you need not say which.

10. Geneva, Switzerland. Give *either* the French or the German
name -- you need not say which.

* Game 7, Round 8 - History - US Presidents by Middle Name

A simple round: we say David, for example, and you say Dwight
Eisenhower. Or just Eisenhower will be sufficient unless another
president has the same surname.

1. Birchard.
2. Henry.
3. John.
4. Hussein.
5. Gamaliel ["ga-MAY-lee-ell"].
6. Robinette.
7. Baines.
8. Milhous ["MILL-house"].
9. Jefferson.
10. Wilson.
Mark Brader, Toronto | "I asked you for a *good* reason,
***@vex.net | not a *terrific* one!" --Maxwell Smart (Agent 86)

My text in this article is in the public domain.
Erland Sommarskog
2023-12-24 10:39:42 UTC
Post by Mark Brader
* Game 7, Round 7 - Geography - World City Names
1. Vienna, Austria.
Post by Mark Brader
2. Naples, Italy.
Post by Mark Brader
3. The Hague, Netherlands.
Den Haag
Post by Mark Brader
4. Munich, Germany.
Post by Mark Brader
5. Moscow ["MOSS-cow" or "MOSS-koe"], Russia.
Post by Mark Brader
6. Lisbon, Portugal.
Post by Mark Brader
7. Prague, Czechia.
Post by Mark Brader
8. Cologne, Germany.
Post by Mark Brader
9. Brussels, Belgium. Give *either* the French or the Dutch name --
you need not say which.
Post by Mark Brader
10. Geneva, Switzerland. Give *either* the French or the German
name -- you need not say which.
Post by Mark Brader
* Game 7, Round 8 - History - US Presidents by Middle Name
A simple round: we say David, for example, and you say Dwight
Eisenhower. Or just Eisenhower will be sufficient unless another
president has the same surname.
1. Birchard.
Lyndon Johnson
Post by Mark Brader
2. Henry.
George H W Bush
Post by Mark Brader
4. Hussein.
Post by Mark Brader
8. Milhous ["MILL-house"].
Post by Mark Brader
10. Wilson.
George W Bush
Dan Blum
2023-12-24 15:07:00 UTC
Post by Mark Brader
* Game 7, Round 7 - Geography - World City Names
1. Vienna, Austria.
Post by Mark Brader
2. Naples, Italy.
Post by Mark Brader
3. The Hague, Netherlands.
Den Haag
Post by Mark Brader
4. Munich, Germany.
Post by Mark Brader
5. Moscow ["MOSS-cow" or "MOSS-koe"], Russia.
Post by Mark Brader
6. Lisbon, Portugal.
Post by Mark Brader
7. Prague, Czechia.
Post by Mark Brader
8. Cologne, Germany.
Post by Mark Brader
9. Brussels, Belgium. Give *either* the French or the Dutch name --
you need not say which.
Post by Mark Brader
10. Geneva, Switzerland. Give *either* the French or the German
name -- you need not say which.
Post by Mark Brader
* Game 7, Round 8 - History - US Presidents by Middle Name
1. Birchard.
Post by Mark Brader
2. Henry.
William Harrison
Post by Mark Brader
3. John.
Post by Mark Brader
4. Hussein.
Post by Mark Brader
5. Gamaliel ["ga-MAY-lee-ell"].
Post by Mark Brader
6. Robinette.
Post by Mark Brader
7. Baines.
Lyndon Johnson
Post by Mark Brader
8. Milhous ["MILL-house"].
Post by Mark Brader
9. Jefferson.
Post by Mark Brader
10. Wilson.
Dan Blum ***@panix.com
"I wouldn't have believed it myself if I hadn't just made it up."
Dan Tilque
2023-12-24 16:50:32 UTC
Post by Mark Brader
* Game 7, Round 7 - Geography - World City Names
We give the usual name of a city in English; you give its actual
name in the local language. In the original game a close-enough
pronunciation would have been sufficient, but here you must give
the exact spelling of the answer using our alphabet (you may omit
accent marks, but if you give them they must be correct).
In the original game, this example was given: "we say 'PA-riss,
France'; you say 'Pa-REE' or P-A-R-I-S -- only that's not a real
example, because it uses the same spelling."
1. Vienna, Austria.
Post by Mark Brader
2. Naples, Italy.
Post by Mark Brader
3. The Hague, Netherlands.
Den Haag
Post by Mark Brader
4. Munich, Germany.
Post by Mark Brader
5. Moscow ["MOSS-cow" or "MOSS-koe"], Russia.
Post by Mark Brader
6. Lisbon, Portugal.
Post by Mark Brader
7. Prague, Czechia.
Post by Mark Brader
8. Cologne, Germany.
Post by Mark Brader
9. Brussels, Belgium. Give *either* the French or the Dutch name --
you need not say which.
Post by Mark Brader
10. Geneva, Switzerland. Give *either* the French or the German
name -- you need not say which.
Post by Mark Brader
* Game 7, Round 8 - History - US Presidents by Middle Name
A simple round: we say David, for example, and you say Dwight
Eisenhower. Or just Eisenhower will be sufficient unless another
president has the same surname.
1. Birchard.
Rutherford Hayes
Post by Mark Brader
2. Henry.
William Harrison
Post by Mark Brader
3. John.
4. Hussein.
Barack Obama
Post by Mark Brader
5. Gamaliel ["ga-MAY-lee-ell"].
Warren Harding
Post by Mark Brader
6. Robinette.
Joe Biden
Post by Mark Brader
7. Baines.
Lyndon Johnson
Post by Mark Brader
8. Milhous ["MILL-house"].
Richard Nixon
Post by Mark Brader
9. Jefferson.
10. Wilson.
Dan Tilque
2023-12-24 17:30:41 UTC
Post by Mark Brader
These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2023-11-06,
and should be interpreted accordingly.
On each question you may give up to two answers, but if you give
both a right answer and a wrong answer, there is a small penalty.
Please post all your answers in a single followup to the newsgroup,
based only on your own knowledge. (In your answer posting, quote
the questions and place your answer below each one.) I will reveal
the correct answers in about 5 days.
All questions were written by members of the Usual Suspects and
are used here by permission, but have been reformatted and may have
been retyped and/or edited by me. The posting and tabulation of
current-events questions is independent of the concurrent posting
of other rounds. For further information please see my 2023-05-24
companion posting on "Questions from the Canadian Inquisition
I wrote both of these rounds.
* Game 7, Round 7 - Geography - World City Names
We give the usual name of a city in English; you give its actual
name in the local language. In the original game a close-enough
pronunciation would have been sufficient, but here you must give
the exact spelling of the answer using our alphabet (you may omit
accent marks, but if you give them they must be correct).
In the original game, this example was given: "we say 'PA-riss,
France'; you say 'Pa-REE' or P-A-R-I-S -- only that's not a real
example, because it uses the same spelling."
1. Vienna, Austria.
Post by Mark Brader
2. Naples, Italy.
Post by Mark Brader
3. The Hague, Netherlands.
den haag
Post by Mark Brader
4. Munich, Germany.
Post by Mark Brader
5. Moscow ["MOSS-cow" or "MOSS-koe"], Russia.
Post by Mark Brader
6. Lisbon, Portugal.
Post by Mark Brader
7. Prague, Czechia.
Post by Mark Brader
8. Cologne, Germany.
Post by Mark Brader
9. Brussels, Belgium. Give *either* the French or the Dutch name --
you need not say which.
Post by Mark Brader
10. Geneva, Switzerland. Give *either* the French or the German
name -- you need not say which.
Post by Mark Brader
* Game 7, Round 8 - History - US Presidents by Middle Name
A simple round: we say David, for example, and you say Dwight
Eisenhower. Or just Eisenhower will be sufficient unless another
president has the same surname.
1. Birchard.
2. Henry.
3. John.
4. Hussein.
5. Gamaliel ["ga-MAY-lee-ell"].
6. Robinette.
7. Baines.
8. Milhous ["MILL-house"].
9. Jefferson.
10. Wilson.
Mark Brader, Toronto | "I asked you for a *good* reason,
My text in this article is in the public domain.
Joshua Kreitzer
2023-12-24 18:24:57 UTC
Post by Mark Brader
* Game 7, Round 7 - Geography - World City Names
We give the usual name of a city in English; you give its actual
name in the local language. In the original game a close-enough
pronunciation would have been sufficient, but here you must give
the exact spelling of the answer using our alphabet (you may omit
accent marks, but if you give them they must be correct).
1. Vienna, Austria.
Post by Mark Brader
2. Naples, Italy.
Post by Mark Brader
3. The Hague, Netherlands.
Den Haag
Post by Mark Brader
4. Munich, Germany.
Post by Mark Brader
5. Moscow ["MOSS-cow" or "MOSS-koe"], Russia.
Post by Mark Brader
6. Lisbon, Portugal.
Post by Mark Brader
7. Prague, Czechia.
Post by Mark Brader
8. Cologne, Germany.
Post by Mark Brader
9. Brussels, Belgium. Give *either* the French or the Dutch name --
you need not say which.
Post by Mark Brader
10. Geneva, Switzerland. Give *either* the French or the German
name -- you need not say which.
Post by Mark Brader
* Game 7, Round 8 - History - US Presidents by Middle Name
A simple round: we say David, for example, and you say Dwight
Eisenhower. Or just Eisenhower will be sufficient unless another
president has the same surname.
1. Birchard.
Rutherford Hayes
Post by Mark Brader
2. Henry.
William Harrison
Post by Mark Brader
3. John.
Donald Trump
Post by Mark Brader
4. Hussein.
Barack Obama
Post by Mark Brader
5. Gamaliel ["ga-MAY-lee-ell"].
Warren Harding
Post by Mark Brader
6. Robinette.
Joseph Biden
Post by Mark Brader
7. Baines.
Lyndon Johnson
Post by Mark Brader
8. Milhous ["MILL-house"].
Richard Nixon
Post by Mark Brader
9. Jefferson.
William Clinton
Post by Mark Brader
10. Wilson.
Ronald Reagan

Joshua Kreitzer
(nicknames can look wrong when combined with middle names)
Pete Gayde
2023-12-29 06:19:49 UTC
Post by Mark Brader
These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2023-11-06,
and should be interpreted accordingly.
On each question you may give up to two answers, but if you give
both a right answer and a wrong answer, there is a small penalty.
Please post all your answers in a single followup to the newsgroup,
based only on your own knowledge. (In your answer posting, quote
the questions and place your answer below each one.) I will reveal
the correct answers in about 5 days.
All questions were written by members of the Usual Suspects and
are used here by permission, but have been reformatted and may have
been retyped and/or edited by me. The posting and tabulation of
current-events questions is independent of the concurrent posting
of other rounds. For further information please see my 2023-05-24
companion posting on "Questions from the Canadian Inquisition
I wrote both of these rounds.
* Game 7, Round 7 - Geography - World City Names
We give the usual name of a city in English; you give its actual
name in the local language. In the original game a close-enough
pronunciation would have been sufficient, but here you must give
the exact spelling of the answer using our alphabet (you may omit
accent marks, but if you give them they must be correct).
In the original game, this example was given: "we say 'PA-riss,
France'; you say 'Pa-REE' or P-A-R-I-S -- only that's not a real
example, because it uses the same spelling."
1. Vienna, Austria.
Post by Mark Brader
2. Naples, Italy.
Post by Mark Brader
3. The Hague, Netherlands.
Den Haag
Post by Mark Brader
4. Munich, Germany.
Post by Mark Brader
5. Moscow ["MOSS-cow" or "MOSS-koe"], Russia.
Post by Mark Brader
6. Lisbon, Portugal.
Post by Mark Brader
7. Prague, Czechia.
Post by Mark Brader
8. Cologne, Germany.
Post by Mark Brader
9. Brussels, Belgium. Give *either* the French or the Dutch name --
you need not say which.
Post by Mark Brader
10. Geneva, Switzerland. Give *either* the French or the German
name -- you need not say which.
Post by Mark Brader
* Game 7, Round 8 - History - US Presidents by Middle Name
A simple round: we say David, for example, and you say Dwight
Eisenhower. Or just Eisenhower will be sufficient unless another
president has the same surname.
1. Birchard.
Post by Mark Brader
2. Henry.
Post by Mark Brader
3. John.
Post by Mark Brader
4. Hussein.
Post by Mark Brader
5. Gamaliel ["ga-MAY-lee-ell"].
Post by Mark Brader
6. Robinette.
Post by Mark Brader
7. Baines.
Lyndon Johnson
Post by Mark Brader
8. Milhous ["MILL-house"].
Post by Mark Brader
9. Jefferson.
Post by Mark Brader
10. Wilson.
Pete Gayde
Mark Brader
2023-12-29 06:20:56 UTC
Post by Mark Brader
These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2023-11-06,
and should be interpreted accordingly... For further information
please see my 2023-05-24 companion posting on "Questions from the
Canadian Inquisition (QFTCI*)".
I wrote both of these rounds.
* Game 7, Round 7 - Geography - World City Names
We give the usual name of a city in English; you give its actual
name in the local language. In the original game a close-enough
pronunciation would have been sufficient, but here you must give
the exact spelling of the answer using our alphabet (you may omit
accent marks, but if you give them they must be correct).
I accepted spellings using "oe" and "ue" to render "ö" and "ü" into
our alphabet.
Post by Mark Brader
In the original game, this example was given: "we say 'PA-riss,
France'; you say 'Pa-REE' or P-A-R-I-S -- only that's not a real
example, because it uses the same spelling."
And, in the original game, this was the easiest round.
Post by Mark Brader
1. Vienna, Austria.
Wien [properly "veen"]. 4 for everyone -- Erland, Dan Blum,
Dan Tilque, Stephen, and Joshua.
Post by Mark Brader
2. Naples, Italy.
Napoli or [local dialect] Napule. 4 for everyone.
Post by Mark Brader
3. The Hague, Netherlands.
Den Haag. 4 for everyone.
Post by Mark Brader
4. Munich, Germany.
München [properly "MYOON-khen"]. 4 for everyone.
Post by Mark Brader
5. Moscow ["MOSS-cow" or "MOSS-koe"], Russia.
Moskva. 4 for everyone.
Post by Mark Brader
6. Lisbon, Portugal.
Lisboa ["leece-BO-uh"]. 4 for everyone.
Post by Mark Brader
7. Prague, Czechia.
Praha. 4 for everyone.
Post by Mark Brader
8. Cologne, Germany.
Köln [properly "kerln" without the R sound]. 4 for everyone.
Post by Mark Brader
9. Brussels, Belgium. Give *either* the French or the Dutch name --
you need not say which.
Bruxelles or Brussel [both more or less "broo-SELL"]. 4 for everyone.
Post by Mark Brader
10. Geneva, Switzerland. Give *either* the French or the German
name -- you need not say which.
Genève ["zhen-EV"] or Genf ["ghenf"]. 4 for Erland, Dan Tilque,
Stephen, and Joshua.
Post by Mark Brader
* Game 7, Round 8 - History - US Presidents by Middle Name
A simple round: we say David, for example, and you say Dwight
Eisenhower. Or just Eisenhower will be sufficient unless another
president has the same surname.
1. Birchard.
Rutherford Hayes. 4 for Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, and Joshua.

(Lyndon Johnson: see below.)
Post by Mark Brader
2. Henry.
William Harrison. (Both names required.) 4 for Dan Blum, Dan Tilque,
and Joshua.

(George H.W. Bush: Herbert Walker.)
Post by Mark Brader
3. John.
Donald Trump. 4 for Dan Blum and Joshua.
Post by Mark Brader
4. Hussein.
Barack Obama. 4 for Erland, Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, and Joshua.
Post by Mark Brader
5. Gamaliel ["ga-MAY-lee-ell"].
Warren Harding. 4 for Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, and Joshua.
Post by Mark Brader
6. Robinette.
Joe (Joseph) Biden. 4 for Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, and Joshua.
Post by Mark Brader
7. Baines.
Lyndon Johnson. (Both names required.) 4 for Dan Blum, Dan Tilque,
and Joshua.
Post by Mark Brader
8. Milhous ["MILL-house"].
Richard Nixon. 4 for Erland, Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, and Joshua.
Post by Mark Brader
9. Jefferson.
Bill (William) Clinton. 4 for Dan Blum and Joshua.
Post by Mark Brader
10. Wilson.
Ronald Reagan. 4 for Joshua.

(Hoover: Clark.)

Scores, if there are no errors:

GAME 7 ROUNDS-> 2 3 4 6 7 9 BEST
TOPICS-> Spo Can Ent Lit Geo His FOUR
Stephen Perry 32 36 36 32 40 0 144
Joshua Kreitzer 0 28 28 23 40 40 136
Dan Blum 9 15 18 23 36 36 113
Dan Tilque 0 8 8 4 40 28 84
Erland Sommarskog 4 23 -- -- 40 8 75
Pete Gayde 14 8 -- -- -- -- 22
Mark Brader | "No, I'm disagreeing with you. That doesn't mean I'm not
***@vex.net | listening to you or understanding what you're saying:
Toronto | I'm doing all three at the same time." -- Aaron Sorkin

My text in this article is in the public domain.
Mark Brader
2023-12-29 06:27:56 UTC
Pete Gayde's entry came in while I was constructing the answers posting,
so I'm rescoring to accept it.
Post by Mark Brader
These questions were written to be asked in Toronto on 2023-11-06,
and should be interpreted accordingly... For further information
please see my 2023-05-24 companion posting on "Questions from the
Canadian Inquisition (QFTCI*)".
I wrote both of these rounds.
* Game 7, Round 7 - Geography - World City Names
We give the usual name of a city in English; you give its actual
name in the local language. In the original game a close-enough
pronunciation would have been sufficient, but here you must give
the exact spelling of the answer using our alphabet (you may omit
accent marks, but if you give them they must be correct).
I accepted spellings using "oe" and "ue" to render "ö" and "ü" into
our alphabet.
Post by Mark Brader
In the original game, this example was given: "we say 'PA-riss,
France'; you say 'Pa-REE' or P-A-R-I-S -- only that's not a real
example, because it uses the same spelling."
And, in the original game, this was the easiest round.
Post by Mark Brader
1. Vienna, Austria.
Wien [properly "veen"]. 4 for everyone -- Erland, Dan Blum,
Dan Tilque, Stephen, Joshua, and Pete.
Post by Mark Brader
2. Naples, Italy.
Napoli or [local dialect] Napule. 4 for everyone.
Post by Mark Brader
3. The Hague, Netherlands.
Den Haag. 4 for everyone.
Post by Mark Brader
4. Munich, Germany.
München [properly "MYOON-khen"]. 4 for everyone.
Post by Mark Brader
5. Moscow ["MOSS-cow" or "MOSS-koe"], Russia.
Moskva. 4 for everyone.
Post by Mark Brader
6. Lisbon, Portugal.
Lisboa ["leece-BO-uh"]. 4 for everyone.
Post by Mark Brader
7. Prague, Czechia.
Praha. 4 for everyone.
Post by Mark Brader
8. Cologne, Germany.
Köln [properly "kerln" without the R sound]. 4 for everyone.
Post by Mark Brader
9. Brussels, Belgium. Give *either* the French or the Dutch name --
you need not say which.
Bruxelles or Brussel [both more or less "broo-SELL"]. 4 for everyone.
Post by Mark Brader
10. Geneva, Switzerland. Give *either* the French or the German
name -- you need not say which.
Genève ["zhen-EV"] or Genf ["ghenf"]. 4 for Erland, Dan Tilque,
Stephen, Joshua, and Pete.
Post by Mark Brader
* Game 7, Round 8 - History - US Presidents by Middle Name
A simple round: we say David, for example, and you say Dwight
Eisenhower. Or just Eisenhower will be sufficient unless another
president has the same surname.
1. Birchard.
Rutherford Hayes. 4 for Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, Joshua, and Pete.

(Lyndon Johnson: see below.)
Post by Mark Brader
2. Henry.
William Harrison. (Both names required.) 4 for Dan Blum, Dan Tilque,
and Joshua.

(George H.W. Bush: Herbert Walker.)
Post by Mark Brader
3. John.
Donald Trump. 4 for Dan Blum, Joshua, and Pete.
Post by Mark Brader
4. Hussein.
Barack Obama. 4 for Erland, Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, Joshua, and Pete.
Post by Mark Brader
5. Gamaliel ["ga-MAY-lee-ell"].
Warren Harding. 4 for Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, Joshua, and Pete.
Post by Mark Brader
6. Robinette.
Joe (Joseph) Biden. 4 for Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, Joshua, and Pete.
Post by Mark Brader
7. Baines.
Lyndon Johnson. (Both names required.) 4 for Dan Blum, Dan Tilque,
Joshua, and Pete.
Post by Mark Brader
8. Milhous ["MILL-house"].
Richard Nixon. 4 for Erland, Dan Blum, Dan Tilque, Joshua, and Pete.
Post by Mark Brader
9. Jefferson.
Bill (William) Clinton. 4 for Dan Blum, Joshua, and Pete.
Post by Mark Brader
10. Wilson.
Ronald Reagan. 4 for Joshua and Pete.

(George W. Bush: Walker. Hoover: Clark.)

Scores, if there are no errors:

GAME 7 ROUNDS-> 2 3 4 6 7 8 BEST
TOPICS-> Spo Can Ent Lit Geo His FOUR
Stephen Perry 32 36 36 32 40 0 144
Joshua Kreitzer 0 28 28 23 40 40 136
Dan Blum 9 15 18 23 36 36 113
Pete Gayde 14 8 -- -- 40 36 98
Dan Tilque 0 8 8 4 40 28 84
Erland Sommarskog 4 23 -- -- 40 8 75
Mark Brader | "Which humans of that time did here whether this place
Toronto | was cult place already at that time, extracts itself
***@vex.net | from our knowledge." --from a web site for tourists

My text in this article is in the public domain.